Banner work ended on schedule
The latest phase of the project to improve Banner, the student information system for UC Davis, wrapped up as planned on Sunday evening.
The work to improve Banner’s long-term sustainability required a scheduled maintenance window that took Banner offline from 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 20, until 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22. Myucdavis and other services that draw data from Banner were offline as well, and then resumed normal operations on Sunday. From Friday through this morning (Oct. 23), the IT Express Service Desk received only a handful of questions related to the work.
More improvements for Banner are planned. Routine maintenance windows will be posted on status.ucdavis.edu, and any significant windows that affect widely used campus services will be broadly publicized in advance, as this one was. If you work with Banner data and have questions about the project, please contact the Banner team at bannerhelpdesk@ucdavis.edu.