Computing Accounts Gets Leaner and Simpler

EZ accounts. FZ accounts. SZ accounts. Old Style LoginIDs. New style LoginIDs. UCD LoginIDs. If all of this sounds like alphabet soup, read on. Information and Educational Technology has initiated a project to clean up these acronyms, convert old accounts, and streamline access to campus online services. When this project is completed on April 23, you'll need to remember only three terms: computing account, UCD LoginID, and Kerberos password. Although everyone who's opened a computing account since September 1996 has been assigned the same type of LoginID, there are still some people who, for a number of reasons, have the older style. The IET project team is working with these people to convert their accounts to the newer style. Those who need to convert their accounts are being notified by email about the change. Approximately 400 people campuswide will be affected.