Cyber-Safety Reports: Preliminary Results are In

The first annual Cyber-Safety IT Security reports were due on October 1, 2005. Results from these reports have been compiled and reviewed by campus leadership. Overall, the reports demonstrated a satisfactory level of security across campus departments, with nine departments reporting compliance in high-risk areas at 90???100%, four at 80???89% and five at less than 80%.

Data reported by departments suggested that administrative units consistently have a higher rate of compliance than academic departments. Several reasons for this disparity were cited, including uneven hardware/software budget distribution within the school or college, and low technical staff to faculty/staff ratio. As a result of these findings, the following recommendations were made:

  • Form a campus workgroup to improve core IT services, improve IT cost-effectiveness and IT strategy implementation
  • Develop and publish a simple risk-based assessment methodology and program for reviewing report accuracy
  • Continue outreach efforts with Academic Senate
  • Continue Cyber-safety reporting process
July 1, 2006 is the deadline for the next round of reports. For additional information about the UC Davis Cyber-Safety Program, visit .