DistAuth Serving Larger User Community in 2004

The Distributed Authentication Service, commonly known as DistAuth, will be serving a larger user community in 2004. Currently, DistAuth is used by many campus units to limit access to Web resources. DistAuth allows a Web site administrator to limit access to all faculty, staff, students, and affiliates or a special subgroup of accounts from these constituency groups.

Starting as early as January 15, 2004, about 40,000 student applicants to UC Davis will be allowed to create a UCD LoginID and Kerberos password, which will enable them to authenticate to UC Davis and use their Web browser as part of the new online application process. Thus, after January 15, any UC Davis Web site that uses DistAuth to permit access to any individual with a UCD LoginID and Kerberos password will also be accessible to student applicants.

For Web site administrators who are using DistAuth to restrict access to their servers and do not want to allow access by the student applicants, IET will provide instructions for changing your DistAuth configuration. We will soon announce these instructions via tsp-info.

If you have any questions, please email distauth@ucdavis.edu.