Hypertext, a New Quarterly Student Computing Newsletter, Now Available for Fall 2003

Hypertext, a new quarterly newsletter designed to keep students informed about the latest campus computing news, is now available on campus and on the Web. Hypertext was developed by a team of student employees within IET-Information & Events, in collaboration with many other IET units, including Computer Lab Management, IT Express and the MyUCDavis Development Team.

Hypertext provides IET with the opportunity to regularly communicate important time-sensitive information to students (i.e., service changes, computer room moves), while also providing a forum in which we can cover topics in more depth than is possible in shorter formats (i.e., Aggie columns).

Below is a quick recap of what's discussed in the Fall 2003 issue, with a link to the PDF of the newsletter. Students can also pick up a print copy of this newsletter at IT Express (182 Shields Library) and any of the computer rooms.

Hypertext Fall 2003 Topics

KEEP THE BUGS AT BAY AND THE NASTIES AWAY: This story provides some easy tips to help you keep your computer protected from viruses and hackers.

WHEN A PDA IS A HOT POTATO: A professor has developed a game for PDAs that helps teach students about Plant Biology.

CAMPUS COMPUTER ROOM SECRETS: We talked to the Computer Room Consultants, and they gave us a bunch of tips and tricks for utilizing the computer rooms.

FILE-SHARING GETS RISKIER: We've got the latest scoop on what's happening with file-sharing on campus and across the country.

MYUCDAVIS, YOUR NEW HOME(PAGE): You might have heard more about our cool campus Web portal, where you can register for classes, check your email, get your grades, and much more. We've got more info on M yUCDavis here.

GET SECURE WITH THE UC DAVIS INTERNET TOOLS CD: One of the key elements of keeping your computer secure is a good antivirus program, and UC Davis has got you covered.?

MORE STUDENT COMPUTING PUBS: Hypertext isn't the only thing available for students to learn about campus computing. Here's info on other pubs.

WHERE TO GO FOR HELP: Can't connect to the student modem pool? Email program tripping out? Then contact the IT Express Computing Help. Desk.