Revised Web Site Has Computer Security Basics Covered

If you use a computer regularly, you have probably received more spam email messages and your computer has probably been infected with more computer viruses than you can count. While the campus provides many services that help protect the campus community from attacks, computer security is everyone's responsibility.

Unfortunately, there is no single solution to the wide range of computer security threats. In response to the need for information about the many computer security threats and safety measures available, the Security 101 section on the Computer and Network Security site has been revised and expanded to include:

  • A brief introduction to computer security
  • A Top 10 Security Tips list
  • Clear explanations of many computer security risks
  • Practical tips for protecting yourself from these risks
  • Information about security services available on campus and links to information about computer security related projects in progress
  • Links to additional security information and resources

To learn about computer security and get tips for protecting yourself and your computer, visit