SmartSite trainers add new topics, recommend Gradebook sessions for new users

Information and Educational Technology has added new topics to its lineup of free SmartSite workshops this quarter.

The additions include:

  • Resources: Beyond Just Distributing Docs and PDFs
  • Podcasts: If, When, and How to Use Them
  • Copyrighted Materials: If and How to Distribute Them on SmartSite
  • Site Metrics for Fun and Profit

These join an established lineup of courses that includes sessions on Gradebook, getting started with SmartSite, and tasks typically done by TAs. IET also offers drop-in clinics, when any SmartSite issue can be addressed; and Gradebook and grade-submission assistance workshops and drop-in sessions during finals week, March 14-18.

The classes last 90 minutes, and no registration is necessary. For times, locations and more details about the subjects, please see the SmartSite workshop schedule.

Note: If you are new to Gradebook this year, we highly recommend that you attend a Gradebook workshop. If many faculty in your department are new to Gradebook, we can offer a departmental Gradebook session and/or drop-in session in or near your department.

Departmental SmartSite support

IET's SmartSite trainers also offer customized training or SmartSite assistance sessions for departments upon request. Make arrangements by emailing

Most of the Davis campus uses SmartSite to manage courses and collaborate on projects online. If you have questions regarding SmartSite training, please email