Technology Councils Merge, Emphasize Communication with Campus Groups

In June, the UC Davis Academic and Administrative Computing Coordinating Councils (AC4/AdC3) were officially merged into a single Campus Council for Information Technology (CCFIT). Under the leadership of Chair Caroline Bledsoe and Vice Chair James Chalfant, both Academic Senate members, the Council provides advice and recommendations to Virginia Hinshaw, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, and to John Bruno, Vice Provost for Information and Educational Technology (IET), on educational and information technology and its use at UC Davis in support of instruction, research, administration, and public service.

Specifically, the Council assists the Provost and the Vice Provost for IET by:

\t*Coordinating the discussion and exploration of information technology ideas, issues, and activities with Council members who represent a variety of units and groups at UC Davis.

\t*Reviewing information and educational technology proposals and plans, and developing recommendations to be shared with all appropriate parties. The Council may also recommend its own proposals and plans.

\t*Providing a forum for the wider campus community to stay informed about major information and educational technology developments at UC Davis and for the community to identify additional topics for Council consideration and discussion.

Council members represent major segments of the campus community, from students, faculty, and staff, to deans and other campus administrators. This broad representation is expected to assist the Council in making recommendations such that campus resources are deployed to their most strategic advantage.

In addition, the new Council has made a high priority frequent and ongoing two-way communication with the campus community. To help meet this goal, all Council members will report back to their constituent groups periodically on topics under Council consideration, and they will submit to the Council feedback on those topics as well as new discussion items, issues and concerns from their constituencies. In addition, every year, Council will produce and publicize an annual report summarizing past discussions and findings and identifying topics for future discussion.

A Web site is under development. It will be accessible from in late September.