When checking your email, take a look at Clutter
If you use Office365 for email, check your Clutter folder. It might contain messages you want.
UC Davis uses Office365, provided by Microsoft, as the email service for most faculty and staff campus email accounts. Last year Microsoft added Clutter to Office365, to help people filter and set aside low-priority email. You can find your Clutter folder in your list of email folders, near the "junk suspects" and "quarantine" folders.
Microsoft explains it this way:
"Clutter looks at what you've done in the past to determine the messages you're most likely to ignore. It then puts them in the Clutter folder. Just keep using email as usual, and Clutter will learn which messages aren't important to you.
"From time to time, Clutter might get it wrong. You can move the messages we've incorrectly identified as clutter to your inbox, and Clutter will take notice. We remove any personally identifiable information from the data we use ... [and] if Clutter isn't for you, you can turn it off any time."
Many people use the feature, and so the campus doesn't want to turn it off for UC Davis accounts, said Joshua Van Horn, the Information and Educational Technology manager who oversees central email services.
"But we also want to make sure Office365 users are aware of it," he said, "so they don't miss messages that may have been filtered."
Read more about Clutter in the IT Knowledge Base, and Office365 in the IT Service Catalog.