About the Information Security Office

The Information Security Office (ISO) helps the campus protect the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of UC Davis’  information assets. They offer support, assistance, education and advice; manage security processes; and help individuals and departments understand how they are responsible for information security at UC Davis - and how they can meet that responsibility. Consulting is part of all of its services and programs.

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment team helps departments evaluate and improve their security environments, based partly on their answers to the annual UC Davis cybersecurity survey. Assessments include security reviews of contracts with vendors.

Security Operations Center

Information security analysts work with departments to look for, analyze, respond to, and prevent incidents. They work closely with the campus Network Operations Center to protect the UC Davis network.

Outreach and Training

Addresses the human side of security through outreach events, training in units, and symposia (such as the Information Security Symposium). Additionally, they work with faculty to help them create a more secure environment for their research and other work.

Partnership Program

The ISO works with department leaders to understand their security risks, needs and common issues, through individual meetings with the chief information security officer. They build connections and relationships on issues of information security, and to find the best ways to work together.

Security Policy Development

The ISO helps interprets security policies for the campus, and works with the UC Davis Risk and Privacy offices. The ISO also manages several security policies, and maintains the online Data Sensitivity Guide, a resource that helps faculty, students and staff understand which services they may use to store sensitive data, based on legal, academic and operational requirements.