SmartSite enters storage, as planned

No SmartSite

SmartSite enters storage, as planned

If you’re looking for SmartSite, it’s no longer there.

As planned, the former UC Davis learning management system went offline when June ended and has entered digital storage. Traffic to has been redirected to a Knowledge Base article that explains the change.

If you’re a faculty or staff member who still needs materials from your old sites, you have options.

Information and Educational Technology is copying materials in Resources folders inside old SmartSite sites into a zip file, which is available to the owner or instructor of the site(s). The materials come from Resources folders in sites where the individual was listed as the site’s instructor or organizer. To request access to their zip files, individuals should contact

Also send requests to that address if you are a faculty or staff member who:

  • Still needs access to materials remaining in your old SmartSite course or project sites, other than what you can get in your zip file.
  • Needs materials from old gradebooks (instructors only). The campus is creating a process for extracting and securely delivering that information for instructors who request it.

Direct all other questions to