A hand drawing cartoon animals wearing graduation caps.

ATS artists help clients communicate information for education, research, and public service. Clients seek our help to convey complex ideas or accumulations of data through clear illustrations that illuminate the critical points.

Our illustrations can be used in PowerPoint presentations, infographics, publications, and web sites. Using both digital and traditional tools, Academic Technology Services artists and designers can help you present your ideas to your students and to the world.

  •  Medical Illustrations – Our artists work with doctors, interns, and residents at the UC Davis Medical Center to provide  illustrations of medical procedures to help explain their techniques and the possible results for the patient. We also illustrate organs, bones, and other parts of the anatomy that can be used in medical journals, academic texts, and publications for the general public.
  • Scientific Illustrations – We create a broad range of scientific artwork for the purpose of instruction, research, and public outreach. Scientists can bring in a wide variety of materials for our artists to work from. Artists can also go to laboratories and work on-location to take photos and draw sketches.
  • Cartoons –  Cartoons are one way for instructors to creatively reach their students, however, this artistic medium is not limited to instruction. Cartoons are visually stimulating ways to communicate information to an audience. Our artists combine traditional cartooning tools and formats with modern art software.
